We are proud to present a thoughtfully organized and informative event designed to bring together key players in the employment industry, higher education institutions and students to discuss future career opportunities.

Our primary goal is to create an integrated space for dialog, sharing ideas and forming forward-thinking partnerships. We aim to provide a fruitful platform where organizations, businesses, universities and students can meet, discuss relevant topics and jointly develop strategies for successful student employment.

You’ll find outstanding leaders in the employability field ready to share their experience and expertise. Panel discussions will cover topics from the latest trends in recruiting to innovative approaches to skills development.

A variety of breakout sessions and master classes will provide a deep dive into the issues of concern in your field. Gain practical tools and strategies to optimize your employment programs.

Our events will provide you with opportunities to expand your professional connections. Meet with companies, institutions, and talented students, building a foundation for future collaborations.

We will raise questions about the impact of technology on employment processes, sharing experiences and innovative ways to prepare students for careers.

We invite you to attend our conference, which will provide you with valuable insight, new contacts and tools for success in student employment. Register now and prepare for an exciting experience that will change the way you look at the future of vocational education and careers!