In today’s fast-paced and globalized job market, more and more companies are turning to technology as a means of conducting interviews. This is especially true for international companies or for positions that require remote work. One of the most popular forms of virtual interviews is the Skype interview.

A Skype interview can be nerve-wracking, especially if it’s your first time doing one. However, with the right preparation and techniques, you can nail your Skype interview and impress your potential employer. In this article, we will share with you tips for a successful Skype interview, from setting up your equipment to acing the actual interview.

How Can I Prepare For a Skype Interview? What Are Some Skype Interview Tips?

Equipment Set-Up

Before diving into the interview itself, you need to ensure that your equipment is set up properly. Here are some things to consider:

  • Internet Connection: Having a stable and strong internet connection is crucial for a Skype interview. The last thing you want is for your screen to freeze or your audio to cut out during the interview. Make sure you have a good Wi-Fi connection or use an Ethernet cable for a more stable connection;
  • Lighting: Lighting plays a crucial role in how you appear on camera. Make sure you have ample lighting in the room so that your face is well-lit and visible. Avoid having a light source behind you as it will cast a shadow on your face;
  • Camera Angle: The angle at which your camera is positioned can greatly affect how you come across on camera. Ideally, your camera should be at eye level or slightly above. This will give the interviewer a clear view of your face and upper body. If you are using a laptop, stack some books under it to raise the screen to eye level.

Practice Makes Perfect

Just like with any other type of interview, practice makes perfect. Before the actual interview, do a few practice runs with a friend or family member. This will help you get comfortable with the technology and identify any potential issues beforehand.

  • Test Your Audio and Camera: During your practice runs, make sure to test your audio and camera. Check that your microphone is working properly and adjust the volume accordingly. It’s also a good idea to test your camera angle and lighting during this time;
  • Familiarize Yourself with Skype Features: Skype has many features that can come in handy during an interview. For example, you can use the screen-sharing feature to show your portfolio or resume to the interviewer. Make sure you know how to use these features beforehand so you don’t fumble during the interview.

Dress Professionally

Just because your interview is virtual doesn’t mean you can slack off on your appearance. Dressing professionally will not only make a good first impression but it will also help you get into the right mindset for the interview. Avoid loud colors or busy patterns as they can be distracting on camera.

  • Choose the Right Outfit: When choosing your outfit, opt for something that is professional and appropriate for the job you’re applying for. If you’re unsure, a safe bet would be a button-up shirt or blouse and dress pants. Avoid wearing anything too casual like a t-shirt or sweatshirt;
  • Pay Attention to Grooming: Grooming is just as important as your outfit. Make sure your hair is neat and tidy, and your face is well-groomed. Avoid wearing strong perfumes or colognes as they can be overwhelming on camera.

Prepare Your Environment

Your surroundings can also play a role in how you come across during a Skype interview. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Choose a Quiet and Private Location: Find a quiet and private place where you won’t be interrupted during the interview. Let your family or roommates know about your interview so they can avoid making noise or walking into the room;
  • Declutter the Area: Make sure the area behind you is free of clutter and distractions. A messy background can be distracting for the interviewer and give off a bad impression;
  • Remove Any Potential Distractions: Turn off your phone and any other devices that could potentially disrupt the interview. Close any unnecessary tabs on your computer and silence any notifications.
Business woman on video call from home

What Are Some Skype Interview Tips to Consider During the Interview?

Be Punctual

Just like with an in-person interview, it’s important to be punctual for a Skype interview. In fact, it’s even more crucial as there may be technical difficulties that could cause delays. Make sure to log in to your Skype account at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time.

Maintain Eye Contact

Maintaining eye contact is just as important during a Skype interview as it is during an in-person interview. It shows that you’re engaged and interested in what the interviewer is asking. To maintain eye contact, look directly into the camera instead of at your own image on the screen.

Speak Clearly and Confidently

The audio quality on Skype can sometimes be less than ideal, so it’s important to speak clearly and confidently. Avoid speaking too quickly and enunciate your words properly. Take your time to formulate your answers and don’t be afraid to pause and gather your thoughts before answering.

Use Body Language

Body language plays a big role in how you come across during an interview. Even though the interviewer can only see your upper body, it’s still important to use body language to convey confidence and interest. Sit up straight, nod your head to show understanding, and use hand gestures when appropriate.

What Are Some Essential Skype Interview Tips to Consider After the Interview? 

Thank the Interviewer

Just like with any other interview, it’s important to send a thank-you note to the interviewer after the Skype interview. You can do this through email or through a message on Skype. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position.

Follow Up

If you don’t hear back from the interviewer within the time frame they specified, don’t hesitate to follow up with them. This shows your eagerness and enthusiasm for the job. However, make sure not to be too pushy or aggressive.


A Skype interview can be just as nerve-wracking as an in-person interview. However, with the right preparation and techniques, you can increase your chances of acing it. From setting up your equipment to following up after the interview, these tips will help you navigate your next Skype interview with confidence and professionalism. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to do a few trial runs before the actual interview.